Happy Weekend Viewer Updates
bilingual post; click pics for full view, maybe;p
Latest Viewer Releases:
TPVD dev teams have apparently been working on new versions of their viewers that do not rely on the kdu.dll for texture loading, per instructions from Linden Labs last month. Over the past week, the TPVs have all come up with new releases promising substantial improvements in graphics, so that you will probably want to install these latest versions. That, plus the fact that we have been asked to accept new changes in the TOS upon login this week, the assumption is that all viewers on the TPVD listing are now compliant with the no-kdu guideline.
ここ一週間の新リリースを見ると、各ビュア、いずれもグラ能力の向上もしくは重要な変更をうたった内容になっているようです。以前もお伝えしたように、ライセンス規約に抵触する可能性があるためテクスチャを効率よくロードするKDUというソフトを使わないようにというリンデンラボのお達しを受けて各陣営が代替プログラムを模索していたわけですが、今週までにリンデン公認TPVDビュアのすべてで完了したようです。それに伴い、今週ログインされた際、みなさんもTOS利用規約の承諾を新たに求められたと思います。各開発チーム、けっこう苦労しててリリースが遅れがちでしたが、たぶんリンデンからの助言などもあったようで 、「安定性」「パフォーマンス向上」「高速化」などをうたった新バージョンが発表されてます。
Current Version: 1.3.0 Stable Release (Oct 7)
Experimental 2010.10.06
No longer a release candidate, devs call the 1.3.0 Stable Release the culmination of one year's work. The experimental release is essentially 1.4.x in the making, now based on the 1.3.0 Stable, plus a whole bunch of new features. And, btw, the Imprudence Blog reports lead dev McCabe Maxsted's laptop in its final death throes. Imprudents are pitching in to help with L$ inworld and USDs^^
インプルデンス最新は、とうとうRCを脱して正式1.3.0リリースとなりました。約一年間の開発の成果ということです。平行されているExperimentalというバージョンは、最新の1.3xをベースに開発中の1.4.xバージョンで、試験的にさまざまな新機能を導入しているということで、こういうネーミングになってます。基本はしっかりしてますので、安定性など大きな問題はないので、ぜひ試してみてください^^なお、開発リーダMcCabe Maxstedさんの老PC君が危篤状態T_Tとのことで、Imprudenceブログでカンパを募ってます。この人って、メアド「はくしゃくくん」ってひょっとして日本人?日系人?リアル$のほか、みなさんL$でもカンパしてるみたいです。とにかく姿勢が好感もてる開発チームなので、SL富豪のみなさん、ここはひとつ^^
Current Version: S20 Build39 (Sept 30)
Complies with LL's no-kdu requirement. Aside from possible bugfix releases, Kirstenlee says the next major release will be the S21, featuring mesh imports and other new Snowstorm stuff. Meanwhile, older Kirstens versions are currently retired, but non-kdu versions are promised eventually for the Viewer 1.5-based S16 and S19.
Current Version: (Oct 4)
Ascent development started out amidst the Emerald scandal, fully aware of LL's change in policy, and has been working on a non-kdu solution from the outset. The latest release includes bugfixes from the which became the first V1-based viewer with the new LL-style mutiple attachments. Granted, there are issues when you revert to other V1 viewers, the attachments render correctly on all viewers. Also with Emerald/Phoenix-style double attachments.
Current Version: (Oct 5)
Phoenix devs claim significant improvements in avatar rendering, speed and stability, with this release. Phoenix has also had an early start with non-kdu, since that was one of the LL requirements the Phoenix devs had to address for their last Emerald release. In this latest release, the kdu-replacement openjpeg.dll has been upgraded to version 1.4. The highlight selected toggle in the edit floater menu is a welcome new feature, too.
グラ性能、スピード、安定性、大幅アップだそうです^^ フィーニックスもまた、エメ終末の段階でラボからKDU禁止通達を受けて開発されたリリースがそもそものスタートなので、脱KDUでは一歩先をいってるビュアです。今回のリリースでは、KDU代替のOPENJPEG.DLLもV1.4にアップ。新機能としては、編集を開くと選択したオブジェクトのハイライトを消せる切替なんか個人的には凄い重宝してます^^ NOTE:
When upgrading to the latest Phoenix 373 release, when you log on for the first time, you need to clear your disk cache once to make your AV render correctly. You can do this from the Login screen with Edit> Preferences> Network > CLEAR CACHE. Just remember though, when you do this, your chat/IM/notice logs will be lost.
You may have experienced trouble logging on the Phoenix screen this week. Apparently, there was a series of DDoS attacks on the Phoenix site by some anti-IP activists who also targeted movie and record industry copyright organizations around the world. It's assumed these attacks do not present any real danger to users, except possible inconveniences like temporary inability to change your tag colors, or a message that you're not using a legit version of Phoenix, which you could just ignore.
Imprudence reports a possible issue loading the LL TOS acceptance page with the new 1.3.0 viewer. You may experience similar problems with other viewers, too. While Imprudence has a hotfix for this downloadable from their site, you can just login with an older version, or some other viewer to accept the TOS. You only have to accept the TOS once. Simple^^b
.Leda stalked,
Or Zeus baited? ^.~
(ref. Leda and the Swan by Yeats, some knowledge of Greek myth required^^)
Hair from Dura Girls,
Feathers in hair from Tyranny,
Feathers necklace and on hip from League,
WoE top,
:SEY chaps.
Sweet dreams and a great weekend!
Megg =^.~=