Sunday, August 29, 2010

Emerald Alternatives

(click pics for full-size, bilingual post, pic credits at end =^.~=b

Till the break of dawn....
Okay, so I (or my alt) was hanging around the :SEY store this afternoon, and at one point, of the dozen or so ppl visiting us, one Viewer2.0, one Imprudence, and all the rest were green as Emeralds..... so bear with us through another Emerald-related post ;p

Emerald came up with a new Public Beta Release 2587. But no release notes, or explanations, especially as regards to the emkdu.dll file contained in the package. What's more, people are reporting that the Windows version doesn't pass the mustard, hon, with Norton Anti-Virus. Well, maybe the lack of release notes can be explained that there are matters that are too sensitive atm vis-a-vis Linden Lab. Or that they can't explain the removal of malicious code without admitting guilt, LOL. In any case the purported author of the code, Phox, is still on the Emerald Team.....
So, until everything is cleared up, I've started looking for alternatives =^.^= I haven't even bothered to download the new release. Or should I say, too chicken and sassy to do so? LOL

あのエメから最新公開ベータがリリースされましたね。R2587なんですが、リリースノートや説明一切なし。問題の中心でラボから配布禁止になってるemkdu.dllもはいってるんですけど、これって大丈夫なの?おまけに、Win版はノートンAnti-Virusに引っかかって速攻削除されるじゃめいか!という報告が。。。 前回の投稿では、やめたFracturedの共犯って話してましたが、かかるハッキングの作者でむしろ主犯ともいえるPhoxは、いまだにエメラルドチームに残ってるしぃ
ちょーっとまったー!!  てことで、今回はエメに変わるビュアもちょっと見てみましょう=^。^= V2.0?なんでぃすか、それ?w
The alternative Third Party Viewer that's first on the list is Imprudence. It also tops the list on LL's TPV Directory, and you can get it here:

This viewer has a very good trackrecord, offers many of the features that got you hooked on Emerald, and above all, has a reputation for transparency.
At first sight, it doesn't look very impressive - what you see is what just looks like the old LL Viewer 1.2 - no "Imprudence" menu on the menubar, nonesuch either in Preferences. It's just that all the cool features are integrated into the regular set of menus. Activate Advanced menu with just Ctrl+Alt+D or from
the View Menu. You get double-click TP or autopilot from Preferences > Camera&Input, where you can also toggle off Camera Constraints. But Ethel? Where's the Radar? Try opening up the enhanced MiniMap =^.^= that you can double click on for TP too. All very natural when you come to think about it. Breast physics is a bit more challenging tho. You will have to go to the bottom of the Advanced Menu > Debug Settings and manually input your settings from the EmeraldBreastsXXX entries - but that shouldn't be all that much of a big deal considering the benfits, LOL. As for multiple attachment points, Imprudence doesn't have that yet, but for a very good reason. The Emerald dual attachment is said to use a hack, but Linden Lab is currently working on a bonafide multiple attachments - as a matter of fact five for each point, as well as five per clothing layer, including tatoos. The new LL attachments are already working in the Test World awaiting near future release^^ Imprudence is going with that one.

エメに代わるビュアとして注目されてるのが、Imprudence^^ 上のリンクからゲットできます^^ けっこう歴史もあって、信頼性も高いビュアなんですけど、エメと同じ機能を多く備えてます。エメみたいにメニューバーや環境設定で独自のメニューでひけらかすのではなく、旧純正1.2ビュアの顔をして、実は凄いんですw自然な形で各メニューの中に組み込まれてるんですねぇ^^ AdvanceMenuはAlt+Ctrl+Dか、ビューメニューから。エメのダブクリでTPか目的地にオートてちてちの機能は環境設定のカメラと入力(かな?Camera&Input)の下のほう、CameraConstraintの解除もここにあります。エメでは下のトレーについてるレーダーは、インプレデンス独自の強化版ミニマップに統合されてるます。ミニマップをダブクリでその位置にTPなんかもできます^^ エメのオッパイぽよよんだってあります^^ これはちょっとむずくて、AdvanceMenuの下のほうにあるDebugSettingから、プルダウンでEmeraldBreastsXXXって項目を探して、各パラを手動で入力しなきゃだけど、オッパイのためならそのくらいの手間わwww 複数装着については、エメのは荒業を使って無理やりだってことで、現在ラボが開発中の純正複数プリム装着複数レーヤを、リリース次第導入するそうです。これはプリム装着点、レイヤーごとに5点まで装着できるってもので、他のビュアからみても「いやーこのひと!頭の上にお◎ん◎んつけてあるいてる@@目を合わせちゃいけません!」なーんてことにもならなず、現在リンデンのテストワールドでリリース直前らしいです^^ Imprudence、慣れるまでちょっといろいろ自分で探検しなきゃだけど、それはそれでけっこう新鮮で楽しんでます
The other alternative is to go with Lord Greggreg's Emergence.
You can also hear him out as to why he left Emerald in his blog:
It also shows you Phox's role in the current scandal. Fractured is gone, but Phox is still with Emerald....
Okay, Lordgreggreg's Emergence viewer is actually just a clone of the Emerald 2270 Beta Release, minus the malware, and I can also see that LGG has taken the trouble of fixing all possibilities of datamining. He says he's not going to be doing any upgrades, or trying to develop this as a new viewer, and has already taken up a new position leading the dev team for, an organization trying to make SL more accessible to the handicapped. But with so many Emerald users being left out in the ditch, he's volunteered his time and sweat to provide us with a safe Emerald experience. Thanks LGG =^.^= and wish you the very best at your new challenge!
I am sincerely grateful for Emergence, because Release2270 is the last stable version that came out before the later un-released 2439, and 2270 comes with the new alpha2 and tattoo layer whereas the previous 1635. I'm right back at home with the viewer that I've been accustomed to for the last several months =^.^= I'm currently logging in with Emergence mainly, and also exploring all the valves and buttons on Imprudence, where I have a feeling, we'll all be in a few months time ^.~

このEmergenceのベースになってる2270ベータは、2439ベータ問題多発で取り下げられたままだったので、事件前最後のエメということになるんですが、私もずっとつかっていて、凄い安定してます^^ それに、それいぜんの1635ではまだ入ってなかったアルファ2対応とタトゥ対応。昨日リリースされたベータ以外だと、唯一対応してるエメってことですね。
LordGregGregしは、今後Emergenceビュアを改良、あらたに開発していくことは無いといってます。あくまでも、これまでのエメユーザが行き場を失うのは申し訳ないからということでのリリースだそうです。現在は、 という障害者のためのSL環境を改善していこうという団体で、開発リーダの仕事を始めてます。感謝感謝とともに、新しい出発、是非応援したいものですね^^
(nova) bikinis and swimsuit, whoaaa! =^.~= Suntan oil from Nyoko's - the offduty lifeguards used up three bottles of the stuff on me just this afternoon - said light skintone girls like me got to guard against skin cancer -he;p they oughta know, they're the life guards=^.~= lol
:sey Edokin and :sey FlipFlop necklaces. Top pic hair from AnalogDog, others from Shag, including the current Themeology special, Earth Girls Are Easy XD And thanks Shag for letting me once again bum your beach =^.^=
毎晩暑いよねぇ みなさんお大事に^^
More steaming hot nights in Japan.... Take care you all =^.~= Megg