more ramblings
(btw, click on most pics in this blog for full-size viewing^.~ )
クリックすると大きくなるよ^-^) Clearing up a few things up about the Emerald viewer from the previous post, and recapping the latest word from the Emerald devs,
Again, you will not be banned for using Emerald at this time, but you may be blocked from logging into the SL Grid in the future, if Emerald fails to meet the requirements set down by Linden Labs, and Emerald is deemed a rogue viewer.
For one thing, LL wants removed from the Emerald directory the emkdu.dll file, where Fractured Crystal had embedded his illicit code. Accordingly, Emerald Dev is asking users to: with Emerald viewer closed, go to the Emerald directory and simply delete emkdu.dll. You can check the Emerald (Modular Systems) blog for details, but just brief explanations here - this is a closed source dll responsible for downloading textures faster and more efficiently - probably part of the stuff that makes Emerald significantly faster and more stable than Viewer 2. So removing it throws you back to the default dll, and makes the Emerald very slow; some people also reporting the viewer crashing after deleting emkdu.dll. So for now, Emerald Dev Team is just suggesting that you remove it on your discretion, and for the time being, Linden Lab is not blocking your login if you still have the file in your directory.
Well, you don't want that security compromise sitting around in your PC, but with so many eyes on the Emerald team and the Emerald server right now, you might consider emkdu.dll safe enough to keep around until its replacement comes around ;p But then again, LL doesn't want older versions of their own texture-loading llkdu.dll around either - so maybe there's a common, dangerous security weakspot.
Now there is a whole bunch of things that are yet to be explained in the Emerald blog. Like, what "shenanigans" (lol)? Read Pixeleen Mistral's 23/08 article "Emerald Viewer Mutiny- Fractured Crystal Thrown To Sharks" on the Alphaville Herald.
More, Nelson Jenkins responded to Pixeleen's article with an excellent timeline of the things that have been happening within the Emerald Dev Team. Very informative about what this is all about. Crossposted as "Nelson Jenkins - Why Would Anyone Trust These Emerald Guys?"
Well, it looks pretty bad, don't it?
We'll just have to decide for ourselves, I guess....
But with Viewer 2.0 being such a horrid alternative... hmmm
(By the way, these are all Megg Enzo's views, and do not necessarily reflect those of Risey Arai or others on the SEY staff - Risey uses Viewer 2.0 more regularly, and Comet is an Emerald user like myself)
While upcoming releases promise such attractions like multiple attachments (five on each point).... and er, what else.... BYGAD! Can't they do something about that horrible interface? LOLMeanwhile, Imprudence is often suggested as an excellent Emerald replacement. Fully opensource and that much more transparent.
And Lord Greggreg (leading developer who left the Emerald Team just before all this blew out, apparently over differences with Fractured and the team regarding these very matters) has started up his own project called Emergence, taking up where Emerald left off as of the last beta release, and promising transparency.
Japanese text follows, so join Megg as she struggles to learn the Monkey dance! Yeah, baby, yeah! LOL
Credits for the pics at the end of this post =^.^=
エメのブログなどでは具体的なことがほとんど伝えられてないですが。The Alpha Heraldの記事Emerald Viewer Mutinyが、エメデブ主幹だったFracturedが辞任する日曜日前後の状況を報道。また、それにコメントするかたちで投稿されたNelson Jenkinsさんの記事が、事件の詳細を時系列で分かりやすく伝えています こちら↓
元主幹のFractured Crystal(18歳)は、少なくとも今年1月から、ユーザのSL名やIPアドレスをエメのサーバに転送するハッキングを行い、かねてからライバル関係にあったハッカーたちの攻撃に使用。内部告発により一般ユーザ数万人分データの存在が露呈(このリストはIPアドレスを伏してアバ名だけのかたちでTheAlphaHerald公開、5月ログにあります)。敵対ハッカーへの攻撃には、不発に終わったものの、NeilLifeのサイトにDDoS攻撃を加えてパンクさせるなど(NeilLifeは、あのコピーボットビュアで、全クリエータの宿敵でわあるんですけどねw)で、SLのTOS違反で、アメリカではリアル懲役6年の犯罪イギリスでは10年とかで、非常に悪質。そして今回、エメ固有ファイルのemkdu.dllにFracturedが埋め込んだハックによりIPアドレスだけでなく、さまざまなユーザ情報が流出する可能性が発覚。
事件発覚に前後して先週末にかけて現エメデブリーダーAnnabella氏はじめとするメンバーの殆どが離脱を宣言、Fractured完全孤立で、日曜日に辞任。今後エメから完全に関係を絶ち、サーバの管理をAnnabellaに譲ることを発表(だって、展開によっては犯罪者だもんね^^;) そして現在のメンバーが残ったということなんですが。。。。Fracturedの共犯と思われるメンバーも残ってるじゃないか、などなど、指摘されています。
(だって今日も、2.0あらためて見直してみたげようと、最新バージョンにアップして開いてみたら、早々にクラッシュだもんねぇ ふぅ)
Top and bottom pic bikinis I found at MichaMi, across from Imagen. Here in red, another retro-flavour swimsuit called Narita from 5th & Oxford, where I also found the Little Missy Slip that I'm absolutely in love with atm =^.^= I'm wearing it everywhere in public, as a minidress, but is it supposed to be lingerie? I dunno ;p
The hair is from Oh.
And that's it for tonight, bunnies. Have a great weekend! ~ Megg =^.^=/