The News, just in case: Linden Lab outlaws Emerald viewer from the SL Grid as of 10am 8 September. All Emerald releases are now blocked from login. Attempts to disguise Emerald identity to log in will be subject to account ban. Three new viewers have been added to the official TPVD. See Linden Lab Official Blog announcing Emerald Ban from links below, and read our backposts here for more information.
もう皆さんご周知の通り、SL時間9月8日をもってエメラルド・ビュアではSLへのログインが出来なくなりました。認識フラグを改ざんするなどエメの正体を偽ってアクセするケースが一部あるようですが、利用規約(TOS)違反でアカウント停止となりますので、くれぐれもお気をつけください。リンデン社の発表と、同日に公式推奨サードパーティビュアリストに追加された3つのビュアについては、下のリンクでご覧ください^^ 当ブログの過去2週間ほどのポストでも関連情報をお伝えしてますので、合わせてご覧ください^^
Second Life Official Blog
Linden Lab Official Third Party Viewer Directory
And in this post, we'll start looking into some of these viewers =^.^=
(This is a bilingual post. Click picks for full size. And, you are actually looking at the official blog of the inworld fashion brand :SEY - really, LOL)
日英二ヶ国語でお送りしてます。写真はクリックすると大きくなるかも^.~ で、ねんのため、ここは:SEY公式ブログらしいですw
All her friends have returned to school by now, but she's been busy these few weeks, just having made her big break in the city. So much to learn, and so many new clothes she just got to buy. And all through a packed work schedule, she'll be ditching a few more classes yet....
:sey Rider Chaps mixed with :sey RJK2 Studded Belt. :sey Hook Necklace, Girl's Bangle, Star&Skull Bracelet. Cropped sweater from Ayumi.
Like I was saying in my recent posts, I've been trying out a whole bunch of third party viewers of late, as I suppose a lot of you are doing, too. Like stretching the limits of my hardware for the DaZZiNG graphics made possible with the Kirstens Viewer. It really is addictive, although there are times when I seriously fear being frozen through to the thawing of the next Ice Age, LOL. Kirstens requires a LOT of processing power, and all the hours I'm spending with the Snowglobe 2-based Kirstens S20 has further reinforced my conviction that Viewer 2.0 is NOT the way to go ;p
Sorry, Joe L., but there's my verdict.
これまでの記事でもお伝えしてたけど、エメ問題が表面化していらい、いろんなビュアを試してます^^ 例えばKirstens Viewerなどは、グラがキラキラ艶々自然で、すっかり病み付きになるます>v< ただし、ハード環境の限界への挑戦となるので、そらもう大変です。温暖化で富士山の永久凍土が溶け出す御時勢にあって、次の氷河期までガッチリ凍りついたままかい?と思うほど(英文からの引用なので、ここは一つw)また、V2.0ベースのKirstensS20の方を長時間使って一言: ビュア2、無理www 馴れれば良いとかって問題じゃなくて、ビュア1.0を機能的にも退化させて、むしろあると不便な子供だまし機能で飾りつけ。よりシンプルに新規ユーザにより馴染みやすくって考えだそうですが、、、 新規ユーザに出会ったら、TPVビュアの世界にいざなってあげましょうw
I love this hair from Shop Seu, but there's so much hair, I have to tie em up in twin tails so they don't get trampled on when I'm... um... actually start doing my work^.~. I'd still have the makeup, but the tails make me look so much like me - you know, the usual good girl me? And I'm there worried the whole time that someone's going to recognize me.... But yeah, it's kinda thrilling to imagine that it just might be the other me in jeans and baseball tees that the guy's fantasizing...
Long and twintails hair both from Shop Seu.
Okay, back to viewer talk: the viewer that should top the list as the Emerald alternative is Phoenix. Rightfully so, because it IS Emerald Release 2587 without the malicious code, as well as new fixes and features being added in everyday. At the moment, the Phoenix development may as well be the most transparent of all the TPVs, adhering to the strict standards LL laid out to Emerald team. You can see in real time all the changes that are being made by the Phoenix devs, from Wiki&FAQ > Activity, at their official site:
Phoenix download site (win, linux and intel-only mac) and Jessica's blog
Even from lay eyes like mine, you can see how they just finished putting in the replacement for the kdu.dll that LL has asked them not to use, and for the less than reliable openjpeg.dll, for instance. Notice that LordGregGreg, author of the other new TPVD entry Emerald clone, is taking an active part in the Phoenix development. It seems he's primarily continuing to scrutinize Phoenix for any remaining malicious code and other security threats, implementing the fixes he's put into Emergence. While some of you may still be wary of using any Emerald-derived viewer, see what these guys are doing right now, and judge for yourselves^^
さてさて、本題本題^^ エメ亡き後、後継の筆頭に挙げられるのは、やっぱりPhoenixでしょう。今回新たにリンデンラボの推薦ビュアに加えられた一つでもあるわけだけど、エメの代わりの本命も当然で、悪質なプログラムを全て排除したエメラルドR2587そのもの。たちの悪すぎる一部エメチームのことを考えると、エメ派生のビュアはちょっと、ってむきもあるかもだけど。現在のPhoenix開発はTPVのなかでもっとも透明といえるかもしれません。上のダウンロードサイトからWIKI&FAQのページから「活動」ってタブを見ると、作業内容がリアルタイムで見れます。あたしのような素人目から見ても、けっこう内容があるていど分かるように内容が説明されてますんで、時間があったら覗いてみてください。最新の更新では、問題になったKDU.DLLや性能に問題があったOPENJPEG.DLLに代わるプログラムを導入する過程が見られます。また、今回リンデン推奨を受けたもうひとつのエメ派生ビュアEmergenceの作者LordGregGreg氏もPhoenix開発に参加して、悪質プログラミングやその他疑わしいものを排除する作業頑張ってくれてる姿も見られます。どんなソフトでも言える事ですが、サードパーティビュアの使用は自己責任。Phoenix開発の現在の活動を自分の目で見て、ご判断ください^^ わたし個人としては、他のTPVビュアよりもむしろ安心できる通常ビャアとしてPhoenixを使っています^^ (だって公式V2ったら、クラッシュするは、ヅラがしょっちゅうずらされるずらの、使えないしw)
Besides, if you want your breasts to keep physicing....
here's the familiar tab you're looking for^^
There are some strong contenders out there, even with features that Phoenix doesn't have yet. Like Imprudence, or Ascent. Ascent who? you ask? hehe, I'll get to that one in tomorrow's post =^.^=
And again, there's Kirstens with its powerful graffics. But as you can see in the UI screenshot above (friendly reminder: click for full size pics), Phoenix also has many of the same advanced controls as Kirstens, too^^ from Preference > Phoenix > Tab2
Well, the point is, Phoenix is a proven platform that we've all come to love^^
That's it for tonight! =^.^=cya! Megg