Changing Colors: Enter the Blue
Post-Greenish Viewers: Ascent Part 1
This is a bilingual post. All picks can be viewed full size with click.
日英多重投稿 PICクリックすると大きくなるかも^^
The Green One is no more....
....and by the time you see this,
they'll probably have me taking off this green shirt, too.
And so....
Into the Blue (or teal, whatever, lol)
Introducing the new TPVD Entry, ASCENT.
ラボ推奨リストの新入りさんASCENT だって さ
yeah, feels... okay, I guess....
yes. I like it maybe....
but is it safe?
うん・・・・ これ気持ちいいかも。
Just prior to the announcement of Emerald's ban from the Second Life Grid, three new viewers were added to the Lindens' Third Party Viewer Directory. We've talked about the two Emerald-based clients, Emergence and Phoenix, in previous posts. Today, we'll look at the third new TPVD viewer, Ascent. I've been hearing about this one for about a week, but was a bit wary of it. Ascent was just released on 24 August. Promises a lot of features from Emerald, and already has a reputation for being very light and stable, despite it being such an early build. But then, I hear that it's based on Inertia, which had been used as a copybot viewer in the past. Oh? And Inertia's author is none other than Hazim Gazov, the victim of the DDoS attack by Fractured, Phox and Gang - the motive of the hostility was because Hazim has been a vocal critic of Emerald's integrity, and instrumental in uncovering many of Modular System's malicious activities. Interesting....
エメラルドSL締め出し発表に先駆けてリンデン公式の推奨ビュアリストTPVDに、新 たに3つのビュが加えられたわけですが、エメ発生のEmergenceとPhoenixは連日ご紹介してる通り。で、今回は、第3の新入りAscentをみてきます^^アセントは 、8月24日初リリース、出来立てほやほやビュア。ほとんど何も分からなかったけど、じょじょにその全容が明らかに。正体わからんというのに加え、かつてコピーボットビュアとしてぶひぶひ言っていたInertiaがベース?と聞いて 更に不安に。で、Inertiaの作者がHazimGazov氏、エメのFracturedやPhoxが、悪事を暴露された仕返しにDDOS攻撃を試み、とうとうリンデンラボの擁護派でっさえも見放され 、エメ追放の一連の動きに繋がった、その人。へえええーーーー!な、わけですw
でもかつてはコピーボット作者であっても、最近ではエメ事件をはじめ、今ではSL内の不 正行為を厳しくチェックする側になってるHazimさん、プログラマーとしてInertia(イナーシャ)の評価はすこぶるものだったそうです。現在はInertiaは捨てて新たにYetiという、まっとうなビュアを開発中とのことで、発生ビュアのAscentチームにも加わってないようです(アドバイスもとめられれば、ほいほいと 、かなり良い人のようですけどw) Hazimさんを前から知るアセントMAC版開発のBelayaさんによると、たまに鼻につくこともあるけど、悪い人間じゃないし、ぜったい嘘はつかない。実際、Inertiaをベースにアセントの開発を始めてみると、削除するべき機能は、どれもどうどうと、わかりやすいところにあり、エメラルドからEmergenceやPhoenixを開発する際、まだ何か隠されてるんじゃないかと何度もチェックしなおすような苦労は、Ascentではまったくなかったとのことです。
Ascent's built-in pose stand lets you adjust your prims on the fly, even in no-script zones like our :SEY Main Store. Ascent dev Beeks admits he has more work to do with the AO, but at least it should be working as of the Sept12 release. Notice the Imprudence-style vertical chat tabs, stacked on the left rather than trailing at bottom - select from Preferences.
内臓ポーズスタンドでどこでも化粧直し。うちの本店みたいにスク禁止ゾーンでも大丈夫。アセント開発やってるウサギのビークスさんによると、AOはまだいまいちだけど、9月12日の最新リリースでは、すくなくとも使える状態。チャット画面の切替タブは、Imprudence風に左側に並べるVerticalか、デフォの従来型が設定で選べるのウサ^-^b (カリスマ店員、仮名・ドリちん)
Apparently, Hazim has long abandoned the Snowglobe 1.4.1-based Inertia, and moved on to developing a totally new viewer called Yeti (phewy, took me a bit to recall the name - I keep remembering it as Inuit. Sorry, LOL). He is not part of the new Ascent team, although I see him in various forums, willing to provide his knowhow to other TPV devs, including the
Ascent team. Meanwhile, Hazim hopes to develop his new Yeti as a fully TPV-compliant, legit viewer.
And so, Ascent made its debut amidst the growing suspicions against Emerald, trying to develop a viewer that answers the needs of creators and builders, as well as SIM managers and business owners, taking advantage of the highly reputed quality and stability of the Inertia viewer, if not for it's non-TPV-compliant capabilities. At the helm of the Ascent project are two SL creators/business owners, hg Beeks (a veteran scripter designing things like vendors, who first created Ascent) and Charley Levenque (aka Charlotte Wirtanen, creating and selling furry av products in SL, who was working on his own fork of Inertia called Explicit, and which I keep remembering as Implicit - Imprudence, Exprudence, you know how itis, LOL). And, joining them in the overall development as well as the OSX builds, Belaya Statosky, and many other similar-minded developers.
んで、今回のAscentアセントの開発は、ベンダーの開発販売などスクリプターが生業のHG BEEKSさんと、アダルト系オモチャも含めたFurry向け中心のSLビジネスを展開してるCharley Levenqueさんの共同プロジェクト。BEEKSさんはクリエータ・ショップオーナ向けの軽快ビュアを目指して定評のあるInertiaをベースとしたAscentを先に開発中のところ、同じくビジネス向けビュアとしてInertiaベースのExplicitというビュアを開発中だったCharleyさんと合流。Ascentの中心部分の開発はもっぱらBeeksさんで、Charleyさんはリンデン人脈で各機能が公式ルールに合致してるかすり合わせなどの広報活動のほか、あくまでアセントをベースにアダルト向け開発用に、一部で要望の多いRestrainedLove対応機能をプラスしたバージョンとしてExplicitを準備中。そしてMac版担当として、Belaya Statoskyさんが加わり。と、いった役割分担のようです。
Some of Ascent's builder tools - from Tools in the Pie Menu, Measure from object to object, Data of object position and rotation, Script Count as in Emerald, Reset Script without going into menu bar. And by activating Power User Functionalities (at your own risk ^.~) Destroy! to delete object immediately without trashcan, or Explode! to do that with more bang, LOL. These seem to mess with the inventory server, and I started feeling bad mojo drifting in air so I disabled it right away ;p
The documentations for Ascent are still very minimal, but you can get a good feel of where these guys are coming from in their exchanges with users and reviewers in the SL Universe thread: another-good-tpv.html
Download the latest release (as of 12 September) from:
They have a User's Group to keep users updated, and plan to hold weekly Office Hours where the devs are all there to answer user questions on local chat. You can see the transcript of their first Office Hours meeting from their website.
At least I feel comfortable enough with Ascent to spend nearly as much time with Ascent as I'm inworld with Phoenix =^.~=
アセントの説明書のようなものはまだ殆どありませんが、まぁエメ使っていたみなさんなら、まったく違和感なく使いこなせる、そんな造りです。また上に貼ったSLUniverseのスレッドでは、Beeks氏を中心に開発者たちが直接ユーザの疑問に答えてて、なかなか好感がもてます。SL内ではユーザグループもあって、開発者不在の場合でもユーザ同士でもグループチャットで助け合えるようになってます。また定期的OfficeHoursというミーティングを開き、ユーザの質問に答えていきたいってことです。Ascentviewerホームページの下の方にあるOfficeHoursリンクから、第一回ミーティングのログが見られます。 なんかほのぼのな雰囲気も好感w
I'm running out of breath already.... ;p I'll have the rest about Ascent on the next post....
今日のところは息切れ、失礼w アせントの続きは、また次回に^^
Yeah, that was me a few weeks ago, just before my debut downtown, before the curls and makeup^.~ When I went into the office, they made me take off my Ayumi baseball tee and Delirium baggies, and put on this open front, open back, open everything silk dress from Ohmai.... It was like, Wow, are you serious? what if the shoulder slipped off.... I thought this was as daring as it gets. heh.... I've grown up a bit since then =^.~=
Too bad Anya Ohmai is retiring this one, along with most of her current collection. And she's closing her Main Store until December (her other shops will be open). So byebye piggies for a while T_T (sniffle)
Accessories from :sey, of course - I love the contrast^^b
cya for tonight! Megg=^.^=