Sunday, January 23, 2011

Year of the Bunny Post

bilingual post, click pics for fullsize


Happy New Year! (three weeks late Gregorian, but a couple too early for Lunar, lol) Right, there has been a number of noteworthy news in SL since the last post, but more on those later. For now, it's the Year of the Bunny and Dollie wanted these new year picks in, and say Hi!^^
(って、遅っっっ!www 旧正月には早すぎるしねw)
前回から色々とSLではニュースがありましたが、その辺は追々ということで、今回は取り急ぎ。卯年だってことでドリーちん皆さんに新年の御挨拶張り切ってたんだけどね^^; 遅くなってごめんよ、どりちんw

We didn't have any Season decorations at :sey Main Store this year, so I brought my own - on my back, hehe;p Shimenawa (from Flower Shop USAKO by Usako Laks) is a traditional Japanese wreath ornament that we put up on doorways for New Year, welcoming in benevolent dieties and spirits into the household. Otherwise, it's intended to decorate the presence of Divinity, so my wearing it was only appropriate, right? =^.~=
今年は店内にお正月飾り何も無かったんで自前で背負っておきましたw FlowerShopUSAKOさんの注連縄、スカルプのクオリティ凄すぎ!気に入ってつい最近までどこいくのもこの姿でした。本当は逆さまなんだけど、力士や歌舞伎者の締め込み飾り感覚で、こんな感じ^^(どりちん!それ食べれないのよ!w)

The news in SL is, we can now have 42 groups, up from 25. It's in the latest version of the official V2. The latest 725 and 818 versions of Phoenix already had them - just activate it from AdvancedMenu> DebugSettings> Phoenix40GroupsSupport, and relog. It says 40, but you get 42 just like the Lab made effective as of Jan 13. With Imprudence, currently, you can't join over 25 when you're invited, but you can join up to 42 if you got to the Join Menu from URL - but they are coming up with a patch soon^^
SL最新の話題としては、グループ数が25から42にアップ。V2最新版でいけます。Phoenix最新725と818でも実装済みで、AdvancedMenu> DebugSettings> Phoenix40GroupsSupportで設定をTrueにしてPhoenixを再起動すればオッケ^^当初ラボが提示していたまま40GroupsSupportってなってるけど実際は1月13日実装された42グループになります^^ Imprudenceの場合、早急にパッチを準備してるとのことですが、第三者にInviteされた場合は25以上のグループに参加することは不可。でも自らURL経由でグループメニューに行ってJOINなら最大42グループまで、いますぐにでも参加できます。42グループ解禁、注連縄だって気軽に着ちゃえる(?w)マルチアタッチ、任意の名前を名乗れるDisplayName。メッシュ導入とともに解禁される60Mプリムなど。面白新要素いろいろの昨今SLなのでしたー=^.~=

I've been trying out some new skins lately, like this one from DrLife. Pale and neutral, it makes a good base for some of the new, fun tattoo makeup I've come across recently. I found the kimono mini dress from Barbee at the annual New Year's Fair in Kyoto Sanjo. Bangasa parasol with the beautiful translucent texture from Sweetholic, as well as the silver hair ornament. Sukigeta sandals with prim tabi socks from SLINK - the most authentic and good-looking geta sandals I've yet seen.
Wishing that this new year of the Bunny brings you prolific happiness and fortune to your Second Life! =^.~=
cya! - Megg