New Release: An-Visor
A collaboration
with Find Ash....
the An-Visor
hair with visor
Risey came up with the overall concept and worked on the visor, while the hair was designed by FA's Reopa Lavall. In 6 colors, this Find Ash hair is desgined to accomodate a broad range of tastes, both guys and girls =^.~= Risey, on the other hand, wanted to give the Visor plenty of attitude, resulting in a gear that lives up to the cheeky punkyness of its namesake Miku of AnCafe (and thus, the An-Visor).Reopa picked 6 popular natural shades for this collaboration. A slightly angled short hair design that Risey finds so cute on girls (^.~b
Well, I find it just adorable on guys, like what you might see among those cute HS and college boys in Tokyo midtown or on crowded commuter trains to suburbia. Reopa really is a genius in realisitically rendering contemporary styles that may be straight out of Shibuya or Harajuku - very much like :sey styles =^.^= The attached visor is scripted for 5 texture variations.
We also have the An-visor alone, without hair. This gives you a choice of 11 textures from the menu.
Risey showing off his new wabbit ears he got from AnzuAn in the cioccolata hunt =^.~= No. He's supposed to be showing off the An-visor, rather ;p He says, guys might want to wear the An-visor a wee higher on the head ^^b
And, you can visit Find Ash and Reopa's mall on the other end of ItutuRR SIM. I think the mall is where Risey got his headphones in the top pic, and prolly also where Shoujo A got that red bandana tied on her thigh^.~
.......that's it for now folks!
cya till the next one =^.^= Megg @:sey