Wednesday, July 8, 2009

from Risey's blog =^.~=

Risey's own blog has just had a makeover^^ and our Main Store is undergoing one as well.

In his most recent post, Risey shows off the new hair he got at Fair Hair 2009: the Special Edition Fickle Lover from Find Ash. "Of all the tons of nice sculpty things I saw at the fair, all I come home with is Reopa's hair..." That's Reopa Lavall of Find Ash, of course, Risey's co-owner of ItutuRR SIM. But the Fickle Lover IS a very good design, very natural and very versatile. The soft brown color was a Hair Fair exclusive, but the full lineup is now available at the Find Ash Main Store, next door to our own on ItutuRR.
The tattoo in this self-portrait is from Garden of Ku. "It's actually a girl's tattoo, but it looks cool, don't it? What, how sexy is it if I took my clothes off? Hey, the idea never occurred to me: Thanks, I gotta go home and take a look ;p"

"You know when you're wearing a jacket-layer shirt over belted trousers, you get the shirt tail sticking out from below your belt? That is PLAIN WEIRD! " says Risey, LOL. Well, if you have multi-layer options, you can can combine the Shirt layer with the Underpants layer so that anything covered by the system Pants will be tucked in neatly (I was going to mention something about Newbies with prim private parts.... but, never mind^.~ tuck it away!fercrissakes!ROFL)

But now, if you don't have that option, you gotta fake it! As Risey demonstrates in this post.
Cover it up with lots of accessories. Simple =^.^= The belt is the bonus single belt included in the DekaLogo belt package.

First you see him wearing the :sey Maki2 Hoodie - the same Long Version I showed you in my Fourth of July post, here in black. Like I said, it's prolly more a guy thing, though I use it a lot personally. Interesting how the same design presents itself so differently depending on the context. (I was really surprised Risey was showing the same item almost simultaneously on his own blog: figure it just means that the item is really in season this time of year =^.^=

The side fur attachment is the Concho+Fur (I've shown you the plain Fur+Cloth that comes with the Longhorn Belt, and the color-changing Fur+Leather Cloth in earlier post.)

Notice he's got four attachments around his waist area. You can do that by changing attachment positions (L and R Hips, Pelvis, Stomach, Upper Legs) It takes a little effort moving the object position from the default, and it's always best to make a copy of the original: I often have several copies of my favorite accessories, all ready for several attachment point =^.^=b Study how objects on various attachment points react to your AVs movements, and you can even devise some interesting in-motion effects, too.

Go to Risey's own blog at to check credits for other products shown. And also the awesome radio-controlled bomber: "OMG! If that thing crashes, it's like an automobile falling out of the sky..." Awesome =^.^=